News & Blog

Case: Luna, the next gen water-free toilet
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Case: Luna, the next gen water-free toilet

New work! Co-creative Direction, communication, environmental analysis and facilitation, with a focus on navigating complex landscapes & enabling change for client Harvest Moon

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Dezeen: Harvest Moon @ Furniture Fair
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Dezeen: Harvest Moon @ Furniture Fair

New work! To focus on how LUNA works, and enable behavioral change at a fair where the outer form is usually the most important, we built two life cycles

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Grand Award of Design - Pioneer, to Luna!
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Grand Award of Design - Pioneer, to Luna!

The joy when great work & design is awarded! Svensk Form, Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign & Teknikföretagen gave us the second Award (earlier Design S!). Why we think this is major; a product that generates a daily USE…

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15 faktorer bakom våldsutvecklingen i Sverige
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

15 faktorer bakom våldsutvecklingen i Sverige

- Och 90 miljarder i illegala inkomster per år. Det har pågått ett bra tag nu. Varför har VI hamnat i den här situationen, och vad kan VI göra åt den, är tankar som går genom huvudet på de som inte isolerar problem utan ser sammanhang. Det här är verktyg och läsning som har varit hjälpsam till att skapa större förståelse och medvetenhet för oss i 15 punkter; om när verklighet och fiktion blandas samman, vad det innebär att algoritmer favoriserar upprörande innehåll, anknytning och trauma i socialt utsatta sammanhang, den ekonomiska brottslighetens ekosystem osv.

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World of Wisdom POD
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

World of Wisdom POD

Maria has been visiting Amit @ the WoW pod, it means she’s in the great company of Daniel Christian Wahl, Tyson Yunkaporta, Giles Hutchins etc; “#Sensemaking; the on-going process by which people give meaning to their collective experiences. Here’s a humble welcome…”

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Heja Framtiden! Podcast
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Heja Framtiden! Podcast

Maria had the privilige to visit the Swedish Heja Framtiden! - Podcast . We’re touching upon:

- polyvagaltheory and how stress response affects collaboration capabilities
- what I learned of systems thinking (being) in the different sub cultural eco systems I’ve taken part of
- What health care workers at hospitals and freestyle dancers have in common
- What needs to be in place for an organisation or company to function in line with living systems thinking and have a large space for (co-)creativity

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Case: Creative Direction from an evolutionary purpose
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Case: Creative Direction from an evolutionary purpose

…I just wrapped up the Creative Direction for a Brand Guide for a Regenerative (as in Sustainable, Innovative, Circular) up’n’coming company. It was based, processed and built out of the company's reason to exist; the _real_ need their product/system fulfill; hence; their evolutionary purpose. How close some of the work has been to what I’ve been doing for Robyn…

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Pod: Vi besöker Tiden är NU!
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Pod: Vi besöker Tiden är NU!

Det känns som ett privilegium att bli intervjuad av Management/Org- forskarna och organisationsutvecklarna Rolf Medina, PhD och Alicia Medina PhD som b la tittar på Teal företag / organisationer i Sverige. Vi pratar om varför vi behöver frigöra all möjlig mänsklig kreativitet för att ta oss ur den ekologiska krisen, green washing, cirkulära företag vs regenerativa diton….(klicka på rubriken för full post)

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Our common urgency of a humane web3.0
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Our common urgency of a humane web3.0

The world view effects what system are being built, there is an urgency in seriously reimagine our digital infrastructure, and shift towards a humane technology that supports our common well-being and democratic values, us as a (eco-)system, a whole….read more by clicking on the headline.

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Upcoming workshop @ SSES & Konstfack
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Upcoming workshop @ SSES & Konstfack

We are so happy to announce our workshop; “Co-creating for a regenerative future- Increase creativity and possible innovation through awareness, practises and living systems thinking.”

“Creative processes are essential to entrepreneurship. As a student within interdisciplinary education, it is important to become aware of how to create the necessary conditions for successful collaborations to reach mutual creativity and collective intelligence across disciplinary boundaries, to become conscious system-thinkers with better tools to navigate complexity to tackle the large and complex challenges of our time.”

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Talk & panel @ Gather Inn Festival
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Talk & panel @ Gather Inn Festival

During Gather Inn 24 th of September we spoke about “Organisation as the foundation of Creativity - why a living systems lens on organisation is crucial for a creative, thrivable, regenerative future #fromego2eco “

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Interview @ Creative News
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Interview @ Creative News

“An example of many is that intersectional understanding is one thing, but HOW do we take advantage of all "new" perspectives? If we can not do that, then we will not move forward anyway. Another example is how and by whom are decisions made in an organization? Who is directly affected? Is the decision strategic, operational or tactical? How creative can you actually be without self-organizing opportunities? Guess that some who may come to read this know about e.g. Design Thinking, which is one of many process tools. “

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Social presencing theater - from field to field
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

Social presencing theater - from field to field

“Pop Culture is a constant dialogue with the field, as in relevance. The social aspect is vibrant and foundational.

Another way of speaking of this process is, the intelligence of the body before it is formed like a thought, a sentence actively.

Add, to this listening to the field, the intelligence of the body, a shared deeper intention and use it outside of the arts! It is a very useful tool to understand and make complex situations with many stakeholders visual for all the people involved. “

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How to escape eye ball hours...
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

How to escape eye ball hours...

“Most of us now take part of an attention economy where we spend time online due to interests, passion, curiosity but also because of psychological vulnerabilities. We all have psychological vulnerabilities and we ALL get manipulated to spend more time on line. Just think about the difference of using social media when you are in a good vs. bad mood.

How can we work with this?”

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A note on intersectionality
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

A note on intersectionality

“If innovation is the recognition that two previously disconnected models are compatible, quoting Arthur Koestler, the more perspectives the merrier. Intersectionality analysis then becomes a tool for shedding light on power structures that might shadow certain perspectives.”

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How to put the “life” back in life style?
Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg Maria 'Decida' Wahlberg

How to put the “life” back in life style?

“…The very urgent changes the company can and has the power to do is put aside, when the communication tells a story about something else, somewhere else, with the purpose to position the brand with the “good guys” in that “debate” - resulting in a film, with a hope that other people will change. If the decision is consciously or unconsciously taken is not the main issue of discussion. The big problem is…”. 

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