
In addition to support with organisational development we also do separate talks on what we see is happening on all levels of society today and how new companies can respond by building an organisation through a process focusing on contact, dialogue and awareness within the company and with the surrounding world. In an ever changing world all companies must be set up to adapt to that in order to still exist in the tomorrow. Contact us for more info and see link to examples of talks below.

Evolutionary Purpose, Wholeness & Self Management

TALK: As a company or organisation you probably already know what to do when it comes to your product or the service you provide. What we want to contribute with is how you can build a, in the broader sense, sustainable organisation that is able to sense and respond to change, instead of unsuccessfully trying to predict and control the future. Based on our experiences from many different fields of work, we strongly believe that companies have a lot to learn from the examples given by what the author Frédéric Laloux calls Teal organisations. What they have in common is their focus on evolutionary purpose, self-management and wholeness and at the same time being highly successful companies in the only way companies are measured in our current “old” system; monetary profit. 

We tailor the talk according to what line of business you are in and use examples from Teal organisations that are the most relevant for your company (in retail perhaps examples from out-door wear company Patagonia). 

Today a company has to respond to what’s happening on all levels of society and build or rebuild its organisation through a process focusing on contact, dialogue and awareness within the company and with the surrounding world. Teal organisations can serve as an inspiration in the way they allow values to guide them in how they respond to the current system change. 

A talk about Teal organisations, to serve as a model or an inspiration for the development of your company or organisation. The name of the organisations come from the book “Reinventing organisations” by Frédéric Laloux (2014) where he builds upon the work by Peter Senge, Ken Wilber, eastern philosophers and others, describing them as the next stage in human organisational development.

Your company's reason for being - how do you tap into your evolutionary purpose?


TALK: How can we learn from the examples given by successful so-called Teal organisations around the world to listen to your organisation's purpose and let that guide your decisions of how to face an ever changing world. A talk about learning to rely on your company's evolutionary purpose as a compass to navigate in the here and now and into the future. #evolutionarypurpose